The endorsement list for the Library Digital Privacy Pledge of 2015-2016 is up and ready to add the name of your organization. We added the "-2016" part, because various things took longer than we thought.
Everything takes longer than you think it will. Web development, business, committee meetings, that blog post. Over the past few months, I've talked to all sorts of people about switching to HTTPS. Librarians, publishers, technologists. Library directors, CEOs, executive editors, engineering managers. Everyone wants to do it, but there are difficulties and complications, many of them small and some of them sticky. It's clear that we all have to work together to make this transition happen.
The list will soon get a lot longer, because a lot of people wanted to meet about it at the ALA Midwinter meeting just 1 week away OMG it's so soon! Getting it done is the perfect New Year's resolution for everyone in the world of libraries.
Here's what you can do:
If you're a Publisher...
... you probably know you need to make the switch, if for no other reason than the extra search engine ranking. By the end of the year, don't be surprised if non-secure websites look unprofessional, which is not what a publisher wants to project.
If you're a Librarian...
... you probably recognize the importance of user privacy, but you're at the mercy of your information and automation suppliers. If those publishers and suppliers haven't signed the pledge, go and ask them why not. And where you control a service, make it secure!
If you're a Library Technology Vendor...
... here's your opportunity to be a hero. You can now integrate security and privacy into your web solution without the customer paying for certificates. So what are you waiting for?
If you're a Library user...
... ask your library if their services are secure and private. Ask publishers if their services are immune to eavesdropping and corruption. If those services are delivered without encryption, the answer is NO!
Everything takes longer than you think it will. Until it happens faster than you can imagine. Kids grow up so fast!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
When I joined OCLC in 2006 (via acquisition), one thing I was excited about was the opportunity to make innovative uses of OCLC's vast bibliographic database. And there was an existence proof that this could be done, it was a neat little API that had been prototyped in OCLC's Office of Research: xISBN.
xISBN was an example of a microservice- it offered a small piece of functionality and it did it very fast. Throw it an ISBN, and it would give you back a set of related ISBNs. Ten years ago, microservices and mashups were all the rage. So I was delighted when my team was given the job of "productizing" the xISBN service- moving it out of research and into the marketplace.
Last week, I was sorry to hear about the imminent shutdown of xISBN. But it got me thinking about the limitations of services like xISBN and why no tears need be shed on its passing.
The main function of xISBN was to say "Here's a group of books that are sort of the same as the book you're asking about." That summary instantly tells you why xISBN had to die, because any time a computer tells you something "sort of", it's a latent bug. Because where you draw the line between something that's the same and something that's different is a matter of opinion and depends on the use you want to make of the distinction. For example, if you ask for A Study in Scarlet, you might be interested in a version in Chinese, or you might be interested to get a paperback version, or you might want to get Sherlock Holmes compilations that included A Study in Scarlet. For each question you want a slightly different answer. If you are a developer needing answers to these questions, you would combine xISBN with other information services to get what you need.
Today we have better ways to approach this sort of problem. Serious developers don't want a microservice, they want richly "Linked Data". In 2015, most of us can all afford our own data crunching big-data-stores-in-the-cloud and we don't need to trust algorithms we can't control. OCLC has been publishing rather nice Linked Data for this purpose. So, if you want all the editions for Cory Doctorow's Homeland, you can "follow your nose" and get all the data you need.
- First you look up the isbn at
- which leads you to (containing a few more isbns
- you can follow the associated "work" record:
- which yields a bunch more ISBNs.
It's a lot messier than xISBN, but that's mostly because the real world is messy. Every application requires a different sort of cleaning up, and it's not all that hard.
If cleaning up the mess seems too intimidating, and you just want light-weight ISBN hints from a convenient microservice, there's always "thingISBN". ThingISBN is a data exhaust stream from the LibraryThing catalog. To be sustainable, microservices like xISBN need to be exhaust streams. The big cost to any data service is maintaining the data, so unless maintaining that data is in the engine block of your website, the added cost won't be worth it. But if you're doing it anyway, dressing the data up as a useful service costs you almost nothing and benefits the environment for everyone. Lets hope that OCLC's Linked Data services are of this sort.
In thinking about how I could make the data exhaust from more ecological, I realized that a microservice connecting ISBNs to free ebook files might be useful. So with a day of work, I added the "Free eBooks by ISBN" endpoint to the api.
xISBN, you lived a good micro-life. Thanks.
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1:31 PM
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