Wednesday, June 26, 2024

All the streets in Montclair

 (I'm blogging my journey to the 2024 New York Marathon. You can help me get there.)

At the end of 2020, Strava told me I had run 1362 miles over 12 months.  "I hope I never do that again!" I told a running friend. It seemed appropriate that my very last running song from shuffle was Fountains of Wayne's "Stacy's Mom"; founding member Adam Schlesinger had died of Covid. For months of that pandemic year, there wasn't much to do except work on my computer and run. It was boring, but at the same time I loved it. In retrospect,  the parks needn't have closed (or later in the year, required masks while running through). Remember how we veered around other people just enjoying fresh air?  In that year, running was one thing that made sense. But never have I celebrated the new year as joyously I did on the eve of 2021. Vaccines were on the way, the guy who suggested drinking bleach was heading to Florida, and I had a map of Montclair to fill in.

I've called Montclair, the New Jersey town where I live, "a running resort". It has beautiful parks, long, flat tree-lined streets without much traffic, short steep streets for hill work, well maintained tracks, a wonderful running store,  and at least 3 running clubs. During pandemic, everyone seemed to be out running. Even my wife, who for many years would tell me "I don't understand how you can run so much", started running so much. At Christmas our son gave us both  street maps of Montclair to put on the fridge so we could record our running wanderings.

So, come 2021 the three of us said goodbye to the boring routine of running favorite routes. Montclair has 363 streets, and a couple of named alleys so we could have done a street a day for a year if we had wanted to. But it was more fun to construct routes that crossed off several streets ata time. While I was at it, I could make strava art or spell words. Most of my running masterpieces were ex post cursus pareidolia.  Occasionally I spelled out words. Here's "love" (in memory of a running friend's partner). 

Starting on New Year's Day with the Resolution run up "Snake Hill",  I methodically crossed off streets. I passed Yogi Berra's "Fork in the Road"  I finished the complete set of Montclair streets on Jun 13 .

The neighboring town of Glen Ridge came quickly on July 18, as I had done well over half on the way to Montclair streets. Near me, Glen Ridge is only 2 and a half blocks wide! I took a peek at the Frank Lloyd Wright house on a street I'd not been on before! 

With five months left I started on Bloomfield, the next town east. Bloomfield is cut in half by the Garden State Parkway, the source of the "which exit?" joke about New Jersey, and I focused on the half near to me. I got to know Clark's Pond. My streets running helped me set my half marathon PR, in the lovely town of Corning, New York. 

I know of other streets running completists - it seems there's even an app to help you do it. Author Laura Carney wrote about it in her book "My Father's List"  My friend Chris has continued to add towns and cities to his list and has only 9 streets left to finish ALL OF ESSEX COUNTY. Update: He finished! and was written up by!

To finish the year I spelled out 2021.

2021: 1,268.3 miles, 223 hours 36minutes, 40,653 ft vertical. I ran to 1,700 different songs. Last running song of the year (on shuffle): Joy Division's "No Love Lost":

Wishing that this day won't last

To never see you show your age

To watch until the beauty fades

This series of posts:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The PII Figleaf

The Internet's big lie is "we respect your privacy". Thanks to cookie banners and such things, the Internet tells us this so many times a day that we ignore all the evidence to the contrary. Sure, there are a lot of people who care about our privacy, but they're often letting others violate our privacy without even knowing it. Sometimes this just means that they are trying to be careful with our "PII". And guess what? You know those cookies you're constantly blocking or accepting? Advertisers like Google have mostly stopped using cookies!!!

fig leaf covering id cards

"PII" is "Personally Identifiable Information" and privacy lawyers seem to be obsessed with it. Lawyers, and the laws they care about, generally equate good PII hygiene with privacy. Good PII hygiene is not at all a bad thing, but it protects privacy the same way that washing your hands protects you from influenza. Websites that claim to protect your privacy are often washing the PII off their hands while at the same time coughing data all over you. They can and do violate your privacy while at the same time meticulously protecting your PII.

Examples of PII include your name, address, social security number, your telephone number and your email address. The IP address that you use can often be traced to you, so it's often treated as PII, but often isn't. The fact that you love paranormal cozy romance novels is not PII, nor is the fact that you voted for Mitt Romney. That you have an 18 year old son and an infant daughter is also not PII. But if you've checked out a paranormal cozy romance from your local library, and then start getting ads all over the internet for paranormal cozy romances set in an alternate reality where Mitt is President and the heroine has an infant and a teenager, you might easily conclude that your public library has sold your checkout list and your identity to an evil advertising company.

That's a good description of a recent situation involving San Francisco Public Library (SFPL). As reported by The Register :

In April, attorney Christine Dudley was listening to a book on her iPhone while playing a game on her Android tablet when she started to see in-game ads that reflected the audiobooks she recently checked out of the San Francisco Public Library.

Let me be clear. There's no chance that SFPL has sold the check-out list to anybody, much less evil advertisers. However, it DOES appear to be the case that SFPL and their online ebook vendors, Overdrive and Baker and Taylor, could have allowed Google to track Ms. Dudley, perhaps because they didn't fully understand the configuration options in Google Analytics. SFPL offers ebooks and audiobooks from Overdrive, "Kindle Books from Libby by Overdrive",  and ebooks and audiobooks from Baker and Taylor's "Boundless" Platform. There's no leakage of PII or check-out list, but Google is able to collect demographics and interests from the browsing patterns of users with Google accounts.

A few years ago, I wrote an explainer about how to configure Google Analytics to protect user privacy.  That explainer is obsolete, as Google is scrapping the system I explained in favor of a new system, "Google Analytics 4" (GA-4), that works better in the modern, more privacy-conscious browser environment. To their credit, Google has made some of the privacy-preserving settings the default - for example, they will no long store IP addresses. But reading the documentation, you can tell that they're not much interested in Privacy with a capital P as they want to be able to serve relevant (and thus lucrative) ads, even if they're for paranormal cozy romances. And Google REALLY doesn't want any "PII"! PII doesn't much help ad targeting, and there are places that regulate what they can do with PII.

We can start connecting the dots from the audiobook to the ads from the reporting in the Register by understanding a bit about Google Analytics. Google Analytics helps websites measure their usage. When you visit a webpage with Google Analytics, a javascript sends information back to one or more Google trackers about the address of the webpage, your browser environment, and maybe more data that the webpage publisher is interested in. Just about the only cookie being set these days is one that tells the website not to show the cookie banner!

From the Register:

The subdomain SFPL uses for library member login and ebook checkout,, has only a single tracker, from Alphabet, that communicates with the domains and

The page is operated by BiblioCommons, which was acquired in 2020 by Canada-based Constellation Software. BiblioCommon has its own privacy policy that exists in conjunction with the SFPL privacy policy.

In response to questions about ad trackers on its main website, Wong( acknowledged that SFPL does use third-party cookies and provides a popup that allows visitors to opt-out if they prefer.

With regard to Google Analytics, she said that it only helps the library understand broad demographic data, such as the gender and age range of visitors.

"We are also able to understand broad interests of our users, such as movie, travel, sports and fitness based on webpage clicks, but this information is not at all tied to individual users, only as aggregated information," said Wong.

The statement from Jaime Wong, deputy director of communications for the SFPL, is revealing. The Google Analytics tracker only works within a website, and neither SFPL or its vendors are collecting demographic information to share with Google. But Google Analytics has options to turn on the demographic information that libraries think they really need. (Helps to get funding, for example.) It used to be called "Advertising Reporting Features" and "Remarketing" (I called these the "turn off privacy" switches) but now it's called "Google Signals". It works by adding the Google advertising tracker, DoubleClick, alongside the regular Analytics tracker. This allows Google to connect the usage data from a website to its advertising database, the one that stores demographic and interest information. This gives the website owners access to their user demographics, and it gives the Google advertising machine access to the users' web browsing behavior.

I have examined the relevant webpages from SFPL, as well as the customized pages that BiblioCommons, Overdrive, and Baker and Taylor provide for SFPL for trackers. Here's what I found:

  • The SFPL website,, has Analytics and  DoubleClick ad trackers enabled.
  • The BiblioCommons website,, has two analytics trackers enabled, but no advertising tracker. Probably one tracker "belongs" to SFPL while the other "belongs" to BiblioCommons.
  • The Overdrive website, has Analytics and DoubleClick ad trackers enabled.
  • The Baker and Taylor website, has Analytics and  DoubleClick ad trackers enabled.

So it shouldn't be surprising that Ms. Dudley experienced targeted ads based on the books she was looking at in the San Francisco Public Library website. Libraries and librarians everywhere need to understand that reader privacy is not just about PII, and that the sort of privacy that libraries have a tradition of protecting is very different than the privacy that Google talks about when it says  "Google Analytics 4 was designed to be able to evolve for the future and built with privacy at its core." At the end of this month earlier versions of Google Analytics will stop "processing" data. (I'm betting the trackers will still fire!)

What Google means by that is that in GA-4, trackers continue to work despite browser restrictions on 3rd party cookies, and the tracking process is no longer reliant on data like IP addresses that could be considered PII. To address those troublesome regulators in Europe, they only distribute demographic data and interest profiles for people who've given their permission to Google to do so. Do you really think you haven't somewhere given Google permission to collect your demographic data and interest profiles? You can check here

Here's what Google tells Analytics users about the ad trackers:

When you turn on Google signals, Google Analytics will associate the session data it collects from your site and apps with Google's information from accounts of signed-in, consented users. By turning on Google signals, you acknowledge you adhere to the Google Advertising Features Policy, including rules around sensitive categories, have the necessary privacy disclosures and rights from your end users for such association, and that such data may be accessed and deleted by end users via My Activity.

In plain english, that means that if a website owner flips the switch, it's the website's problem if the trackers accidentally capture PII or otherwise violate privacy, because it's responsible for asking for permission. 

Yep. GA-4 is engineered with what I would call "figleaf privacy" at its core. Google doesn't have fig leaves for paranormal cozy romance novels!