Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Running Song of the Day

(I'm blogging my journey to the 2024 New York Marathon. You can help me get there.)

Steve Jobs gave me back my music. Thanks Steve!

I got my first iPod a bit more than 20 years ago. It was a 3rd generation iPod, the first version with an all-touch control. I loved that I could play my Bruce, my Courtney, my Heads and my Alanis at an appropriate volume without bothering any of my classical-music-only family. Looking back on it, there was a period of about five years when I didn't regularly listen to music. I had stopped commuting to work by car, and though commuting was no fun, it had kept me in touch with my music. No wonder those 5 years were such a difficult period of my life!

Today, my running and my music are entwined. My latest (and last 😢) iPod already has some retro cred. It's a 6th generation iPod Nano. I listen to to my music on 90% of my runs and 90% of my listening is on my runs. I use shuffle mode so that over the course of a year of running, I'll listen to 2/3 of my ~2500 song library. In 2023, I listened to 1,723 songs. That's a lot of running!

Yes, I keep track. I have a system to maintain a 150 song playlist for running. I periodically replace all the songs I've heard in the most recent 2 months (unless I've listened to the song less than 5 times - you need at least that many plays to become acquainted with a song!) This is one of the ways I channel certain of my quirkier programmerish tendencies so that I project as a relatively normal person. Or at least I try.

Last November, I decided to do something new (for me). I made a running playlist! Carefully selected to have the right cadence and to inspire the run! It was ordered to have to have particular songs play at appropriate points of the Ashenfelter 8K  on Thanksgiving morning. It started with "Born to Run" and ended with either "Save it for Later", "Breathless" or "It's The End Of The World As We Know It", depending on my finishing time. It worked OK. I finished with Exene. I had never run with a playlist before.

1. "Born to Run".
2. "American Land". The first part of the race is uphill, so an immigrant song seemed appropriate.
3. "Wake Up" - Arcade Fire. Can't get complacent.
4. "Twist & Crawl - The Beat. The up-tempo pushed me to the fastest part of the race.
5. "Night". Up and over the hill. "you run sad and free until all you can see is the night". 
6. "Rock Lobster" - B-52s. The perfect beats per minute. 
7. "Shake It Up" - Taylor Swift. A bit of focused anger helps my energy level.
8. "Roulette". Recommended by the Nuts, and yes it was good. Shouting a short lyric helps me run faster.
9. "Workin' on the Highway". The 4th mile of 5 is the hardest, so "all day long I don't stop".
10. "Your Sister Can't Twist" - Elton John. A short nasty hill.
11. "Save it for Later" - The Beat. I could run all day to this, but "sooner or later your legs give way, you hit the ground."
12. "Breathless" - X. If I had hit my goal of 45 minutes, I would have crossed the finish as this started, but I was very happy with 46:12. and a 9:14 pace.
13. "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" - R.E.M. 48 minutes would not have been the end of the world, but I'd feel fine.

Last year, I started to extract a line from the music I had listened to during my run to use as the Strava title for the run. Through September 3, I would choose a line from a Springsteen song (he had to take a health timeout after that). For my New Year's resolution, I promised to credit the song and the artist in my run descriptions as well.

I find now that with many songs, they remind me of the place where I was running when I listened to them. And running in certain places now reminds me of particular songs. I'm training the neural network in my head. I prefer to think of it as creating a web of connections, invisible strings, you might say, that enrich my experience of life. In other words, I'm creating art. And if you follow my Strava, the connections you make to my runs and my songs become part of this little collective art project. Thanks!

Reminder: I'm earning my way into the NYC Marathon by raising money for Amref. 

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