Will the same sort of consolidation happen with libraries? I think it will.
In my "Ten Predictions for the Next Ten Years" article, my first prediction was that the number of public libraries in 2020 would be half of what it is today. I also predicted that the number of public library locations would increase by 50%. I got plenty of feedback on Twitter that these predictions needed some explanation. Roy Kenagy thought that my prediction couldn't possibly apply to Iowa, where "new [libraries] sprout like weeds and people tend to them as their own".
There were two considerations, book digitization and the shift to e-books, that led me to these predictions, and neither is peculiar to New Jersey. I admit, though, that New Jersey's high taxes and density of services affected my estimate of the magnitude of coming changes.
Over the next ten years, book digitization will completely change the way most people use libraries. Instead of browsing the stacks or searching a catalog, people will increasingly make use of full text indexes and digitized resources to find books. This already happens with Google Books. They will then try to obtain the physical book in the library, or alternatively, use an e-book reader. Public libraries will need to adapt their physical plants to accommodate this changed usage pattern. Stacks will become more warehouse-like; public spaces will have fewer books and more coffee. Patrons will demand larger collections, but will accept less physical access to print. Home delivery of library materials will become much more common.
At the same time, libraries will struggle to adapt to the e-book economy. The most likely outcome will be a shift to licensed resources. Publishers will discover the benefits of putting much larger numbers of titles into e-book subscription packages such as those currently offered by Overdrive, Netlibrary, Ebrary, and others. When these packages can be used on patrons' Kindles and other e-readers, libraries will need to have them.
All of these trends will put pressure on libraries to work together on shared services, and ultimately to merge. Larger libraries will more effective at delivering both print books and e-books, and patrons will care less about where the print books are stored when they're not being lent. Smaller libraries will find it difficult to support the technical and operational expertise needed to run the public library of 2020.

In my own town, it seems that almost every year there's talk of closing the branch to save money. If you look at it, you can see why- the building is massive and has to be very expensive to operate. Eventually it will be shuttered and sold, but a storefront branch down the block could deliver the same services and cost much less to run. Does it make sense for the town high school to run its own library? Not really, but that could be another branch. We'll have fewer libraries, but more locations.
While consolidation and mergers will reduce the number of libraries, it can't be ignored that public library budgets are being slashed, and some libraries are being closed for purely financial reasons. Part of this is that the perceived value of libraries is less than it used to be. Many critical information services that used to be available only through libraries are now readily available through the internet.

As I've said before, I'm an optimist about the ability of libraries to adapt to changes in media. If you look carefully at my picture of the Montclair Public Library van guy, you'll notice that what he's collected from this drop box is a newspaper, some VCR tapes and a whole bunch of DVD's. The print books were in another box, and there was not a single e-book to be carried to the main library. Makes you wonder...
Update 1/8: Some follow-up here.
I echo your thoughts that PLs branches will decline in the next decade as e-access to PL materials increases. Public librarians need look no further than what has happened to academic libraries in the last 10 years to get a glimpse into their own future. The idea of tiny storefronts may be a harder sell to funders, but I think it will also come to pass. One result of this will be a need for far fewer professional librarians and (possibly)more library assistants. Here's hoping the profession gets ahead of this coming reality and boosts the assistants payscale as fast and as far as they can since the future is one of many professional librarians living out their careers as assistants.
ReplyDeleteThis is basically an extension of how I use libraries now (an attractive, large, farther-away one for hanging out alone or with my kid, my local one as a place to pick up books I've requested through the OPAC, in the admittedly rare instance its hours are helpful). So hey, works for me. Though I do wonder how representative I am.
ReplyDeleteMy husband's childhood public library (Princeton, NJ) ran a shopping-center branch for some time while the main library was being extensively renovated; he remembers it fondly and says it was quite popular. (And he assures me that it was a shopping center and not a mall because people from NJ know these things. OK.)
I believe the key to making the storefront library a reality will be convincing the city governments that it will be both more cost effective. At the same time the smaller libraries will be able to be in more places and serve a wider variety of patrons. They could be individualized to the neighborhood which will give them more character, and since they will be smaller in size and less intimidating the librarians would be able to make deeper connections with the surrounding community.